Crate Free USA Blog
News and stories about the issues, our campaigns & local farmers.10 Alarming Facts About Factory Farms
What Are Factory Farms? Factory farms, or concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs), are an industrialized system of raising animals for consumption. The focus is on the maximum output of their product — animals or animal products. The animals on these so-called...
Food System Equity: Food Shed Co-op in Woodstock, Illinois to Open in 2024
Unlike corporate chains, food co-ops are totally independent and owned by the people in their communities, who value healthy, delicious food that's good for everyone. Everyone is welcome to shop and eat at food co-ops even if they are not a member. And everyone is...
Humane Education: A Step in the Right Direction for Farm Animal Welfare
Imagine this: you are attending elementary school during the 1990’s or early 2000’s. In the lunchroom and gymnasium, “Got Milk?” posters hang proudly with your favorite athletes and celebrities sporting a most fashionable milk mustache. With your meal ticket, you pick...
Find Humane: Website to Find Humanely Raised Animal Products
There is more than one way to help farmed animals live better lives. You can eat more plant based, buy from local farmers, or educate yourself about where the find humane certified/animal welfare-approved products sold at some grocery stores. Doing that can be...
Meet the Farmer: Joe Wanda of Wanda Farm
At Crate Free USA, our mission is to improve the lives of animals raised for food. And since the vast majority of Americans still eat meat, the best way to do this is to shop from local farmers who care about the animals they raise far more than the huge factory...
Meet the Farmer: Josh Kriner of Root and Sky Farm
At Crate Free USA, our mission is to improve the lives of animals raised for food. And since the vast majority of Americans still eat meat, the best way to do this is to shop from local farmers who care about the animals they raise far more than the huge...
Upcoming Event: Every Bite Counts – End Factory Farming
Announcing our upcoming event in Chicago! Do you want to do more to reduce the suffering of animals on factory farms? Are you eating too much meat? Are you buying supermarket meat from factory farms? Our event does a deep dive on steps you can take to reject...
How to Become an Animal Advocate in 4 Steps
By Sam Damiano What does it mean to be an advocate for animals? To be an animal advocate, a person believes in and fights for animal welfare, including the humane treatment of animals and their right to exist without pain, trauma and suffering. Animal advocacy can...
Meet the Farmer: Andy Hazzard of Hazzard Free Farm
At Crate Free USA, our mission is to improve the lives of animals raised for food. And since the vast majority of Americans still eat meat, the best way to do this is to shop from local farmers who care about the animals they raise far more than the huge factory...
NEW VIDEO: The Cost of Aldi Pork
What is the hidden cost of Aldi Pork when it comes to animal welfare? See our video below and find out what you can do to help! It's been great to see retailers carrying more and more vegan products. But that does not excuse the fact that many still use inhumane...
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