Costco Watch: Will Progress on Gestation Crates Continue?

 Costco may be on track to have the best gestation crate policy of any mainstream grocer, but … 



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Costco’s Chance to do the right thing

Continue Reducing Cofinement Time of Mother Pigs

The Big “But”

In December of 2023, Costco reported that 95.5% of its fresh pork will come from pigs raised in group housing. But Costco openly acknowledges that some of its suppliers still confine mother pigs in crates during the time it takes to confirm pregnancy. For many pork producers, this can still be as long as 6 weeks!  However, Costco also tells us that “our goal over time is to minimize the time in confinement.”

The Good News​

Costco is starting to make good on its promise to reduce confinement time, buying from more forward-thinking pork producers who have reduced total confinement time to less than nine days. We encourage Costco to build up these relationships,  be transparent about its progress,  and share specific goals according to a public timeline. While pasture-raised is always the best alternative, this interim step can help reduce stress and suffering for mother pigs.

Learn More

Pigs are as intelligent as dogs. Without any mental stimulation, enrichment, or social interaction, they experience physical problems like shoulder injuries, urinary tract infections, and even bone damage, as well as relentless mental suffering and trauma.

Canada, the E.U., and 10 U.S. states have outlawed gestation crates. We encourage Costco to keep working on its goal to minimize the time sows are in confinement throughtout the entire pregnancy cycle.

It’s time for Costco to phase out gestation crates 100%.

Take Action

There is something seriously wrong with a food system where animals have to suffer everyday. Sadly, retailers rarely act on their own, so it’s on us to push them to end the outdated and inhumane extreme confinement practices in their supply chains. As a Costco member and consumer, use your voice to tell Costco that it’s time for them to do the right thing for the animals they profit from.

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