At Crate Free USA, we are extremely grateful to our strong team of volunteers. We all come from diverse backgrounds with unique skills and passions with one definite thread — our desire to improve the lives of farmed animals.
Shelley Chipkin has been with Crate Free from the very start. She’s passionate about animals and working to make sure all animals feel safe and secure. As the fundraising director, Shelley has been instrumental in organizing and coordinating many of our events.
Why do you volunteer for Crate Free USA?
With my sister, Jessica Chipkin, as the founder of this important organization, I knew I was on board. All of us Chipkin sisters are lifelong animal lovers, so volunteering for CFU was a no-brainer for me. I always wanted to do all that I could to show my respect and gratitude for these amazing beings. I knew it would make sense to bring my experience with event planning and fundraising ‘to the table.’
How did you first learn about how animals on factory farms are treated?
I honestly was unaware of this travesty, prior to being educated about it by Jess. She sent me information of all kinds, and every bit of it tugged at my heartstrings. I could not wrap my head around the fact that these ‘consumption animals’ were treated so savagely and were forced to live in completely unnatural conditions.
What do you think is unique about Crate Free USA?

Shelley with her sister, Jessica, the founder of Crate Free USA, at one of our many events to raise awareness
What is unique about Crate Free is its educational and advocacy value. We are an organization of realists, in that we understand that what people chose to eat comes down to personal choice. Instead of not accepting that reality and/or chastising people for making a particular choice, we work with them and, in doing so, bring awareness to all about how they can do their part to make a bad situation better. We provide them with the tools they need to make respectful, responsible and sustainable choices in the way they consume their animal protein.
Why is this mission important to you?
With so much wrong in this world, it is pivotal that we be part of the solution, in any way we can, to right – at least – some of the wrongs in the world of eating animals. This means different things to different people, and I believe that CFU provides everyone with the tools they need to accomplish this. It is also significant that CFU reaches out to food chain suppliers to get them involved in this effort, as we do with consumers.
When not working with Crate Free USA, what do you do / like to do?
I enjoy spending quality time with family and friends. I moved to Wisconsin in 2019 to be closer to my daughter and to get to know my little grandson (now 5 years old). I have two other amazing grandkids in Illinois (18 & almost 16.) I love and adore dogs, particularly seniors (like me!) I have volunteered for animal rescues over the years, and currently am doing fundraising for a senior/special needs, foster-based rescue in Wisconsin. I also enjoy landscaping and gardening, because it is important to me that my little corner of the world look peaceful, colorful and uplifting.
Do you have pets/farm animals?

Shelley’s sweet dog, Karma, who has since passed over the Rainbow Bridge
I have had dogs all my life. Recently, I helped release my baby Karma from her failing mind and body. She suffered from CCD (canine cognitive dysfunction) among other debilitating ailments. She was such an amazing companion and soulmate.