At Crate Free USA, our mission is to improve the lives of animals raised for food. And since the vast majority of Americans still eat meat, the best way to do this is to shop from local farmers who care about the animals they raise far more than the huge factory farms and corporations who own so much of the food industry today. While we do promote a reduction of meat in your diet, we also support our local farmers who raise animals more humanely and sustainably.
It’s easy for you to find a local, sustainable farmer near you in Illinois.
Just download our free mobile app!
Hufendick Farm is located southwest of Chicago outside of Joliet. Hufendick Farm is committed to having only the highest quality animal proteins raised humanely in a natural environment, with no added hormones and no use of antibiotics. The animals live in an environment where they have access to the outdoors, and are grass fed with some grain in their diet.
Proper care of the land and animals is of highest importance to the farmer. The composted manure from the animals is what they use to fertilize the pastures and fields.
Tell us about your farm?
Our farm is 300 acres. We raise Black Angus Cattle, American Wagyu Cattle, Berkshire Hogs, Free Range Chicken, Turkey and Lambs.
How did you first become involved in farming?
Both my husband Mike and I were born into farming families. Our families grew corn and soybeans as well as raised livestock.

Why is farming sustainably and humanely important to you?
Proper care of the land and animals are of highest importance to us. The composted manure from our animals is what we use to fertilize our pastures and fields.
Treating animals with dignity and respect is how we have always raised our animals.
How have the economics of farming changed in the last several years and how has it affected you? What further changes are you anticipating?
We sell direct to consumers. This allows us to sell to individuals who truly value the old fashioned techniques we use to raise our animals. We are able to be a small scale farm with our emphasis on respect and kindness to our animals. We are working to grow our family farm to allow for our next generation to carry on our farming traditions.
What are your views on extreme confinement and gestation crates for pigs?
This is not for us. This is not the way we raise our animals. We want them to have plenty of room to roam.

Hufendick Farm hogs
Would you support a bill to end extreme confinement? Why or why not?
Consumers should vote with their dollars. We do not support raising any animals in confinement.

What is your current slaughter process? What do you think about mobile abattoirs and is that something you would potentially use?
Our processors are Humanely Certified and USDA Inspected. Our processors take great care to handle our animals with dignity and respect. We feel this definitely shows in the quality of our meat. Mobile abattoirs may be more convenient, however, I am not familiar with how they work. Will they be USDA inspected? Where will the animals cool out?
What can consumers do to help improve the lives of all our farm animals? Is there anything else you’d like to share?
Vote with their dollars. Seek out farmers who raise their animals responsibly. Get to know your local family farmers, ask them questions. Support local agriculture. We are located in Illiniois. Illinois residents should support their local Illinois family farms.
How do you market and sell your products? How can people shop with you/find you? Can they visit the farm?
We sell our meat at farmers markets, our family butcher shop Hufendick Farm Market located in downtown Plainfield, and through our Rogue Farm to Curbside Kitchen Food Truck.
Our butcher shop is located downtown Plainfield, IL.
24032 W Lockport Street,
Plainfield, IL 60544
(815) 436-8997
Hours of operation:
Monday – Saturday 10-6
Sunday 10-5
Closed on Wednesday
We attend the Batavia Illinois Farmers Market on Saturday mornings year-round. They have an outdoor market from mid-May to end of October and an indoor market November to mid-May.
We also attend the Oswego Illinois Farmers Market on Sunday mornings, June to end of September
Farm visits are available.
(photos courtesy of Hufendick Farm)
The Illinois Guide to FACTORY- MEAT, DAIRY, & EGGS
As always, to find a local farm farm near you, please
download our app, The Illinois Guide to Factory-Free Meat, Dairy, and Eggs. Here you can buy direct from a local, sustainable farmer, not animal factories. Use the app to search for local farms, farmers markets, and restaurants that source humanely raised meat, dairy, and eggs.