Crate Free USA
Working tirelessly to reduce the suffering of animals on factory farms through consumer education and advocacy.
Crate Free USA
Working tirelessly to reduce the suffering of animals on factory farms through consumer education and advocacy.
Cooking for Causes Workshop with Chicago’s Salt Block Kitchen
by Lisa Lubin Thankfully today there is a growing movement to be more aware of where our food actually comes from and how it gets to our table. Large and small organizations are popping up all over to educate consumers and eaters (a group we all belong to!) to be more...
A Look at Massachusetts’ New Landmark Animal Welfare Law
By Jean Paul Olmsted This year’s elections have brought severe consternation to many of us. And some of the appointments to president-elect Donald Trump’s cabinet have raised no small amount of trepidation among animal rights activists. But, amid the rubble, there...
The Times They Are A Changin’
By Jean Paul Olmsted We live in a world repeat with profound misery. As Buddha learned, we cannot hide from it; it will find each and everyone one of us. Suffering, like most things in life, is not distributed equally; some get more than their share and others less....
100% of donations go directly to creating awareness of factory farm animal welfare issues. We use consumer education & activism to confront animal cruelty on factory farms.
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