Crate Free USA
Working tirelessly to reduce the suffering of animals on factory farms through consumer education and advocacy.
Crate Free USA
Working tirelessly to reduce the suffering of animals on factory farms through consumer education and advocacy.
Find Humane: Website to Find Humanely Raised Animal Products
There is more than one way to help farmed animals live better lives. You can eat more plant based, buy from local farmers, or educate yourself about where the find humane certified/animal welfare-approved products sold at some grocery stores. Doing that can be...
Meet the Farmer: Joe Wanda of Wanda Farm
At Crate Free USA, our mission is to improve the lives of animals raised for food. And since the vast majority of Americans still eat meat, the best way to do this is to shop from local farmers who care about the animals they raise far more than the huge factory...
Meet the Farmer: Josh Kriner of Root and Sky Farm
At Crate Free USA, our mission is to improve the lives of animals raised for food. And since the vast majority of Americans still eat meat, the best way to do this is to shop from local farmers who care about the animals they raise far more than the huge...
100% of donations go directly to creating awareness of factory farm animal welfare issues. We use consumer education & activism to confront animal cruelty on factory farms.
Your donation is tax deductible.
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