It’s time for Aldi to publicly commit to ending one of the cruelest practices in animal agriculture: confining mother pigs in tiny “gestation crates” for virtually their entire lives.
Cruelty behind bars
Aldi’s Pig Problem
The problem
Aldi asks too high a price for its pork: Lack of a commitment to end a practice that traps pregnant pigs in metal gestation crates so small that pigs can’t even turn around—virtually immobilizing them for four months, without any relief. To give birth, they are transferred to different crates, then returned to gestation crates and re-impregnated. This cycle repeats for years.
The Solution
Aldi must take one clear step toward better animal welfare: committing to phase out gestation crates from its supply chain, on a published timeframe. We’re not even asking Aldi for fresh air or sunlight, just minimal decency: that animals can walk around, stretch their legs, and socialize with others.
Learn More
Pigs are active, curious, playful animals, as intelligent as dogs. In gestation crates, pigs cannot walk more than two steps forward or back. Without any mental stimulation, enrichment, or social interaction, they experience profound suffering and trauma. Physical problems are also common, like shoulder injuries, urinary tract infections, even bone damage.
Canada, the E.U., and 10 U.S. states have outlawed gestation crates. Most leading U.S. grocers have committed to a timeline to phase out gestation crates. Aldi admits that good welfare requires that animals be “able to express innate behavior.”
It’s time for Aldi to commit to phasing out gestation crates.
Take Action
There is something seriously wrong with a food system where the best day of an animal’s life is the day it’s over. Animals shouldn’t have to suffer everyday to feed us, and it’s on us to push retailers to end inhumane and outdated extreme confinement practices in their supply chains. As a consumer, use your voice to ask Aldi to do the right thing for the animals they profit from.
Take Action

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Call Aldi
Call Aldi
1-800-325-7894 (#4) Mon–Fri 9am–5pm EST

Email Aldi
For subject choose “Corporate Feedback & Questions”
Then “Corporate Social Responsibility”

Social Media
Voice your concern on social media
Use hashtags: #AldiFinds #AldiHaul #CrateFreeAldi

Write to Aldi
Write a letter & mail to:
Aldi USA
1200 N. Kirk Rd. Batavia, IL 60510
Attn: Customer Service
It’s time for Aldi to do the right thing.
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