Crate Free USA
Working tirelessly to reduce the suffering of animals on factory farms through consumer education and advocacy.
Crate Free USA
Working tirelessly to reduce the suffering of animals on factory farms through consumer education and advocacy.
Why We Support The Farm System Reform Act
Today’s farming industry is just that…a huge industry. Nearly every aspect of America’s food supply chain has become highly concentrated and is controlled by just a few mega-producers. This growing corporate control has unfortunately been a detriment to farmers,...
The Health Benefits of Reducing Factory Farmed Meat Consumption
A Quick Overview... Before you read on, take a moment to answer the following questions from your own point of view. What are the nutritional benefits of meat? Can meat consumption potentially be harmful, and if so, in what circumstances? Do you think it's...
A Spotlight on the Multitude of Issues with Factory Farming in the Age of the Coronavirus (COVID-19)
How the Coronavirus is Affecting America’s Food and Farming Industry While we at Crate Free USA and many of our partners at other farm animal welfare organizations have already been working hard to inform the public about the many negative impacts of the factory...
100% of donations go directly to creating awareness of factory farm animal welfare issues. We use consumer education & activism to confront animal cruelty on factory farms.
Your donation is tax deductible.
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