Crate Free USA
Working tirelessly to reduce the suffering of animals on factory farms through consumer education and advocacy.
Crate Free USA
Working tirelessly to reduce the suffering of animals on factory farms through consumer education and advocacy.
What are Ag Gag Laws & Why You Should Care
Undercover farm investigation. Photo: We Animals Media You have probably heard the term “ag-gag” in the news at some point over the last few years, especially if you keep up with industrial agricultural news, or farmed animal welfare news, as both of these...
Be Mindful and Make Humane Choices for Your Holiday Meals
With the holidays around the corner it’s important to choose your food products wisely and practice conscious consumerism. The traditional American Christmas dinner and other holiday celebratory meals often consist of turkey, poultry, beef, and ham in large...
Environmental Effects of Factory Farming
North Carolina hog farm. (Photo: Rick Dove, Waterkeeper Alliance) In the U.S. alone, 9 billion animals are raised and slaughtered each year for humans to eat (much of it still going to waste). It is a gargantuan industry that puts an enormous strain on our natural...
100% of donations go directly to creating awareness of factory farm animal welfare issues. We use consumer education & activism to confront animal cruelty on factory farms.
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