Meet Local Farmer: Kevin Fulton of Fulton Farms

Meet Local Farmer: Kevin Fulton of Fulton Farms

This month, we’re speaking with Kevin Fulton of Fulton Farms. Kevin operates a holistically managed organic farming operation near Litchfield, Nebraska. This diversified farm includes a pasture-based, multi-species livestock operation, along with grain, hay and custom...
Meet Local Farmer: Dan Dietrich of Dietrich Ranch

Meet Local Farmer: Dan Dietrich of Dietrich Ranch

The Dietrich Ranch in Central Ogle County, Illinois, has been in operation since the 1940’s when their great grandfather bought the property. They raise 100% grass-fed beef, lamb, and free range pastured chicken. All of their animals are raised without use of...
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Dark Gestation Crate


 It’s time for Aldi to publicly commit to a timeline to phase out one of the
cruelest practices in animal agriculture: 
confining mother pigs
in tiny “gestation crates” for virtually their entire lives.


Thank you!